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  3. Recommended Kimono Rental Shops in Kyoto

Recommended Kimono Rental Shops in Kyoto

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kimono _rental_mimosa


– Introduction

– What is Kimono Rental?

– History of Kimono Rental

– Recommended Kimono Rental Shops in Kyoto

– Understanding the Importance of Kimono Rentals

– Tips for Enjoying Kimono All Day Long

– Things to keep in mind when renting kimono

– Conclusion


Welcome to the Kimono Rental Shop List! Here are some of the best kimono rental stores in Kyoto. For tourists who want to wear kimono but are worried about the price. We will provide the best deals for those who have such concerns. Come, let’s explore the charm of kimono rentals together!

Kimono rental in Kyoto has a long history from the Edo period to the present day. Kimono rental stores play an important role as part of preserving traditional culture. But are you wondering which stores are really recommended? Don’t worry, we will introduce you to our carefully selected stores!

We will also give you tips on how to enjoy your kimono all day long. From techniques for taking stylish photos, to how to ensure ease of movement, and even how to choose comfortable shoes, we will provide you with useful information for your future kimono rentals.

You will also note the importance of reservations and the rules and regulations of the store. We will also give you some pointers on kimono rentals. Now, let’s enjoy kimono rental!

What is Kimono Rental?

Kimono rental is to rent a kimono, a uniquely Japanese culture, for a certain period of time. For tourists and foreigners, it is a way to take nice pictures that become part of the scenery, but it is actually much more than that. Kimono rentals are also an opportunity to experience traditional Japanese dress.

The charm of kimono rentals lies in their beauty and uniqueness. Kimonos are made from a single piece of cloth, and their intricate sewing techniques and designs embody the Japanese aesthetic. In addition, there are many different types of kimonos available, and you can enjoy designs according to the season and the ceremony.

Kimono rental is a great opportunity for foreigners to experience Japanese culture. It is a special experience that is hard to find in other countries, and the sight of a person wearing a kimono is also photo-worthy. Furthermore, it is very convenient for participating in Japanese festivals and traditional events.

With kimono rentals, you will discover a different you from your usual self. By wearing a kimono, you can spend the whole day in gorgeous attire while experiencing Japanese culture and history. In addition, kimono dressing is done by professional staff, so there is no need to worry even if it is your first time.

Kimono rental is more than just renting clothes; it is a way to experience the charm of Japan. We encourage you to try kimono rentals when sightseeing or attending events in Kyoto. The sight of walking through the streets of Kyoto in a comfortable breeze will be an absolutely unforgettable memory.

Introducing the History of Kimono Rentals

Let’s follow the history of kimono rentals. We will share with you some amazing facts about how this wonderful traditional costume has evolved from the Edo period to the present day.

During the Edo period, the kimono was an important part of Japanese culture and life. People, from children to adults, wore kimonos on a daily basis. However, as time went by, Western influences came in. With the spread of Western clothing, the demand for kimonos began to decline.

Fortunately, however, the beauty and value of the kimono is eternal. Some people kept the tradition and continued to wear kimonos. And as tourist interest grew, the kimono rental industry began to flourish again.

Modern kimono rentals offer a wonderful opportunity for many people to experience Japanese culture. They can slip into a traditional kimono and step back in time to the good old days. Furthermore, kimono designs have become more diverse and sophisticated styles of kimono have increased.

Kimono rentals also help preserve and introduce Japanese culture. For today’s younger generation, kimono may seem like something from the distant past. However, through kimono rentals, young people have the opportunity to get in touch with their roots.

The history of kimono rental is like time travel. We invite you to experience the atmosphere of the good old days and get in touch with your roots as well.

Now, let us introduce you to our recommended kimono rental stores in Kyoto!

Recommended Kimono Rental Shops in Kyoto

If you are going to Kyoto, don’t you definitely want to try on a kimono? But when it comes time to rent a kimono, you may be at a loss as to which store to choose. So, here are some recommended kimono rental stores in Kyoto.

Rental Kimono Okamoto

Rental Kimono Okamoto is conveniently located in the center of Kyoto. It also offers a wide selection of kimonos and accessories, and is highly skilled in dressing. Kimono rental plans are also available for junior high school students. Prices start at 2,000 yen and include dressing and hair-set. During kimono rental, you will be taught about dressing and etiquette. You can also rent accessories that go with the kimono when you rent a kimono.

Kyoto Kimono Rental Rika Wafuku

Kyoto Kimono Rental Nashikawafuku has three conveniently accessible stores: Gion, Arashiyama, and Kyoto Ekimae. With a wide selection of kimonos and accessories, you can choose the kimono that best suits the season and your purpose. Our kimono dressing techniques are also highly skilled. They also offer a full range of hair-set and dressing options, so you can have your hair styled and dressed to match your kimono.

Kimono Rental mimosa

Kimono Rental mimosa opened in March 2023, facing Kodaiji Ichinenzaka, the best place for sightseeing in Kyoto. You can enjoy wearing kimono while enjoying the historical streetscape of Kyoto. The interior is a renovated Kyoto machiya, allowing you to prepare your kimono while enjoying the retro atmosphere. Kimono, obi, sandals, and bags are all included in the rental fee, and dressing is also free. Hair-set is optional. Although it is a small store, it offers a wide variety of kimonos and obis, allowing customers to choose kimonos and accessories more leisurely than at other stores.

These are our recommendations for kimono rentals in Kyoto. Every store is unique and has various attractions. Please try to find the perfect kimono for you according to the characteristics of each store. Surely, walking around Kyoto in kimono will be a wonderful memory for you. Now, why don’t you enjoy your kimono experience in Kyoto?

Understand the importance of kimono rental.

Even though you have come all the way to Kyoto, it would be boring to just visit the tourist attractions, wouldn’t it? That is why kimono rentals are so important! It is a wonderful service that allows you to enjoy the sights while wearing a kimono.

Kimonos are expensive, but by renting one, you can easily enjoy wearing one. Kimonos are also difficult to put on, but by renting a kimono, you can leave the dressing to the professionals. You can also rent accessories that match the kimono, making it easy to coordinate your outfit. Furthermore, at kimono rental stores, you can learn more about kimonos and kimono etiquette.

Kimono is a traditional Japanese costume and has historical value. However, in modern times, opportunities to wear it as everyday wear are very limited. Through kimono rentals, we can pass on this wonderful culture to the next generation by showing many people the quality and charm of the kimono.

Kimono rental for sightseeing in Kyoto is not just a “costume game” to wear. It is a heartfelt service to tourists and plays a part in spreading Japanese culture to the world. So, the next time you visit Kyoto, please rent a kimono and enjoy Japanese traditions along with beautiful scenery! You will surely create wonderful memories!

Tips for Enjoying Kimono All Day Long

Kimono rentals are a wonderful way to experience Japanese culture and traditions. There are a few important tips to help you enjoy wearing a kimono all day long. First, to take stylish photos, pay attention to the background. Taking pictures in front of a beautiful garden or an old building will enhance the charm of the kimono. When taking selfies, be careful not to inadvertently include a selfie stick in the shot!

In addition, it is important to choose a kimono that is mobile enough to move around throughout the day. Heavy kimonos or kimonos with many decorations may make it a little difficult to walk for long periods of time. So it is best to choose a kimono that is lightweight and easy to move around in. Combined with a casual obi, you will be able to move more freely.

Furthermore, it is important to choose appropriate shoes in order to stay comfortable throughout the day. When choosing shoes that match your kimono, consider ease of walking and reducing foot fatigue. It is advisable to choose shoes with a low heel height or shoes with a cushioned insole. This will minimize foot pain even when walking on cobblestone paths or long approach roads.

To enjoy wearing a kimono all day long, it is important to pay attention to the background of the photo, ensure the mobility of the kimono, and choose comfortable shoes. If you follow these tips, you will be able to enjoy the Kyoto atmosphere to the fullest. Now, rent a nice kimono and enjoy Kyoto to the fullest!

Precautions for Kimono Rentals

If you are planning a trip to Kyoto, you cannot miss out on sightseeing with kimono rentals! But you need to be careful! Below are some important points to keep in mind when renting a kimono.

The first is the importance of reservations. Kyoto is always crowded with many tourists, so finding a store to go to on the day of your visit can be a daunting task. If you make a reservation in advance, you will be able to complete the rental smoothly. Besides, you can choose the type and design of kimono you want to rent in advance, so you have a better chance of getting your ideal kimono.

And the second is the store’s rules and regulations. When you rent a kimono, you are required to return it within the specified time and to be careful not to stain or damage it. Also, some stores may charge an additional fee for cleaning upon return, so it is important to check this in advance.

Finally, a note on fees. Kimono rental prices may vary depending on the rental period and the type of kimono. In addition, it is important to check the fees and options in advance, as you may be able to rent kimono sets and hair accessories as options.

If you take these precautions, your kimono rental experience in Kyoto will be more enjoyable. Preparation and attention in advance is essential to make your trip memorable. By strolling the streets of Kyoto wearing a kimono, you will be able to experience the beauty and history of Japanese culture. Please take this opportunity to experience kimono rental.


Kimono rental will not only give you a taste of Japanese culture, but will also make your trip more special and memorable. Walking the streets of Kyoto in kimono will give you a precious experience. Please do not miss this opportunity to experience kimono rentals in Kyoto.

We hope your trip to Kyoto will be more wonderful!

Kyoto Kimono Rental Mimosa


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